Sunday, August 15, 2010

Seven Things to Be Grateful For at 7 Months Pregnant

7. With only a few exceptions, our new home is finally put together...and we LOVE it. Love it!!! Pictures to come soon!

6. Since February when Patrick and I found out we are going to be parents, our lives in many ways have increased to be intensely more complicated, wrapped in a myriad of adult-like decisions that we must find solutions for. However there is ONE step into adulthood that we have excitedly taken, even cherished: last Wednesday, Patrick and I traded in our futon for a couch. That's right: a real, live, adult-like couch. No way you'd ever see this sucker in a dorm room. Anyone need a futon?

5. I'm still sleeping through the night, for the most part, which I've heard is somewhat rare.

4. Every time I put my tennis shoes on to exercise, I am immensely grateful that I have not been pregnant during the winter where items like socks and non-slip-on shoes would be essential.

3. I've been able to share my colossal size and end-of-pregnancy with one of my oldest and best friends, Monica, who's been in DC visiting this week.

2. Patrick and I monitor my belly button every few days, each day with the same question: is this the day it's going to have popped out? It's so close. As silly as this sounds, today as I was looking at my belly button, it hit me that what I was looking at was my - everyone's - biggest bodily reminder that we were all babies once, physically connected to our mothers not all that long ago. In just a few days, my my mom and mother-in-law will be here to share in Patrick's and my very first baby shower. I am so thankful for my mother and the close relationship we share. I am also incredibly thankful to have such an amazing mother-in-law. Our families have already been so supportive of us every step of this pregnancies; it's humbling to be connected so much love!

1. I am feeling LARGE these days. I mean, really, really L-A-R-G-E. And I recognize that there is still a month and three weeks (only a month & three weeks?!?) left of major growing (I have already passed what I had hoped would be my total weight gain for the entire pregnancy). HOWEVER, this is by far one of the most incredible experiences that any human being could ever be a part of, and I am often struck, usually as I'm feeling our baby flip and turn in my belly, at what an honor it is to be allowed to play this kind of part in the process of creation. What more can be said of that than just...Wow.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hairy Legs and First Dates

First, let me say I am sorry we haven't written in a while. We have a goal of writing at least two times a week, and we are already failing at that! I want to do better, but so many times we think we don't have anything interesting to write about. Today, I just thought, "Well, this might not be interesting, but how would I know?" So here is my story for today:

Niki and I were having dinner the other night and we both remarked that we were eating way too fast (as usual). We have been trying to slow down and have found that when we are talking it takes us much longer to finish our meal. Now, I don't want you to think that we don't talk at the dinner table. We do. Just not in the two minutes our food is front of us. No, we see the arrival of the food as a time act like ravenous monkeys who may never eat again. So, in an effort to eat at a normal human pace, I posed some questions to Niki about some parental decisions we will have to make someday: How old do you think our daughter should be when we start letting her wear make-up? What about shaving her legs? How old should she be when we let her go on her first date? Yikes! We are about eight weeks away from having a little girl actually in the world, so we probably shouldn't even be thinking that far ahead, but it was a fun conversation nonetheless. We both agreed that we had no idea exactly how old that she should be for any of those things and expressed our hope that we could just help her make the best decisions possible. I, of course, decided she doesn't need to go on her first date ever...but I imagine I am going to have to bend on that one! The fun thing about the conversation was dreaming about what the future might hold for our little girl. I wondered if my parents ever had these conversations about me before I was born. And I realized that I am slowly making that transition to thinking like a parent and beginning to understand my own parents even more. There certainly is a lot to wonder about, to think about, and to worry about...but I can't wait for it. I can just see her now putting on her make-up and getting ready for her first date and thinking, "I wonder why dad made me wait until I was 40 to do this?"