Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rock and Roll Charis

Okay, we know it has been entirely too long since we have blogged...and this video proves it! But it is also so amazing that we hope it absolves us from our lack of communication. We promise to try to recommit ourselves to updating the blog more regularly. And now, we would like to present rock and roll Charis!


  1. I can't believe you got this on VIDEO! that is so fun! way to go Charis. Way to show off for the camera! Love the smiles too.

  2. Woooooaaaaaaaaawww!!! Who catches that on video?? You do, and for alllll of Charis's friends and relatives to enjoy! Thanks for sharing a huge know it was just luck that the camera was rolling!! I'm so proud! (Quote from bro Matt at five, "and we didn't even have to train her!!" speaking of his sis rolling over for the first time!)

  3. Yay! She is fabulous. Love the video.
